Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NaBloPoMo: Thirty Acts of Love: Day 6. Siblings

Just like every other sibling pair I have ever known, my children argue. Who gets to sit next to the babysitter at dinner? Who did more table setting than the other? Connor will announce brothers don't like sisters with a singular focus on hurting Helen's feelings. It can be tiring, for sure.

But underneath the daily current of antagonism, there's a deep and abiding love. Neither Connor nor Helen can say it yet, but somehow they both know that when they look across the dinner table into the other's eyes, they're looking at the only person who will someday hold their past.

A week ago, Helen took a tumble off the back steps. Seeing no adult immediately present, Connor rushed to Helen's side to make sure she was OK.

You might not want to admit it, big brother, but we all know you've got your little's sister's back whenever she really needs you. And those million tiny acts of love you perform? They've been recorded deep in my soul.


Day 1. The All Night Sewing Spree
Day 2. Package from a Friend
Day 3. For the Love of the Game
Day 4. Always There
Day 5. Ups and Downs


  1. Perfect. There is nothing like the bond of sibling.

  2. I love this. My kids are just the same. They act as if they want to kill each other most of the time, but they are each other's biggest defenders as well.

  3. Love this - hope they always have this connection.
