Tuesday, November 22, 2011

NaBloPoMo Advice Column - Day 22 - Turn Trash Into Treasure

I'm writing 30 thoughts in 30 days for NaBloPoMo. In no particular order, I'm giving you my worldview - as it comes up.
For about 3 years, we've been planning to install some stumps for the kids to play on in our backyard. The idea comes from the playground at Helen's school. At our old house, we went so far as to retrieve a whole bunch of stumps from our neighbor after his tree had broken in 2 during a particularly windy storm. Those stumps ended up conveying with the house - as did the dead mouse in the shed, which the new owners called to ask me to remove. Um, no, I actually didn't want to bring that with me - but thanks for the offer!

A few weeks ago, a neighbor about a block away had an enormous tree removed from his yard. I asked if we could have the stumps from the large pile in front of his house and he told me I could take anything I wanted - but that others were interested and the waste removal company was coming on Wednesday. We rounded the corner, got our gardening gloves, and then started pilfering his stumps.

We also took a bunch of logs that are skinny enough the kids can move and build with. I'm looking forward to seeing what they make of all this. My neighbor's trash - my treasure!


Building a worldview:
Day 1: Surround Yourself With Brilliant People (though my friend Susan makes a good point that clever is pretty good, too).
Day 2: Whatever, it works.
Day 3: Surround Yourself With Beauty
Day 4: When You Go Through Something New - Drag Someone With You
Day 5: No sweatpants.
Day 6: Embrace the Crazy
Day 7: Listen to Your Friends or Fight Old Fogey-dom. Get out there. Keep experiencing fun, new things.
Day 8: Don't Let Anyone Sell You Short
Day 9: Take a Lesson From Your Child
Day 10: Consume the best chocolate you can
Day 11: Help your neighbor.
Day 12: Take Breaks
Day 13: Establish a Realistic Rhythm
Day 14: Sometimes, you just have to ask.
Day 15: Loose Lips Sink Ships
Day 16: Stop Things from Going from Bad to Worse
Day 17: Understand the Price of Success
Day 18: Question Everything
Day 19: Drink Great Wine with Old Friends
Day 20: Never Be a Volunteer at a Street Show in New Orleans
Day 21: Let Your Friends Bail You Out


  1. Am totally stealing this idea. ESPECIALLY the little sticks to move and build with.

  2. This is an awecome idea. I wish I thought of these things in time.
