Monday, January 3, 2011

Pulling a New Year's Resolution Together: Take the Cake: A From Left to Write Book Group Selection

The best New Year's resolution I ever had was to drink more champagne. It was a huge success. Many friends still remember it, because they were often pulled into the cause. I wanted something that would be easy to remember and easy to keep, and this fit the bill. I stole it from my friend Dan.

In 2008, I resolved to meet my children where they are - which I made great strides in doing, but I kept it around for 2009 because I realize it's a lifelong pursuit. We evolve together. I'm feeling good here.

I also resolved to finish the summer sweater - which I finally did in 2010. I even wore it a few times! And I am so lucky that Connor is my son because he can tell when something is handmade and he goes out of his way to tell me how great he thinks it is. I love that.

I've been trying to declutter since 2008, with varying degrees of success. I actually made huge strides after reading my friend Erin Rooney Doland's book "Unclutter Your Life In One Week". I not only read the book - which is incredibly well written, I gifted it to several people and if you weren't one of them, you should either borrow my copy or go get your own immediately. It is fantastic. More on this resolution later.

Also from 2008, I still start my morning with thanks, every day, because my kids are incredibly lucky in the health department. And that makes me incredibly lucky.

In 2008 and 2009 I also resolved to get back into pottery in one form or another, and it's been a colossal fail.

In 2010, I didn't bother with the resolutions.

But this year, I have three resolutions.

Resolution #1. I'm going to eat even more cupcakes. I love them. My kids love them. Someday, I hope they connect a memory of me with every cupcake they eat, and I hope they eat a lot of them.

Resolution #2. As in the sidebar of my blog now, I'm going to declutter. But this time, I'm going to try a new strategy, borrowed from the "From Left to Write" book club's most recent book "Take the Cake". The idea I'm taking from this book is to break big tasks and big goals into manageable pieces. Here's my plan.

1. Isolate items that take up a lot of real estate in my house.
2. If not in use, eliminate, begin to use, or justify why it's taking up space. I'm looking at you, treadmill. So far, I've done some fast walking for 60 minutes on that thing this year, in the dankest corner of our house. That treadmill will leave the basement this year. It'll either earn a prominent space in my room where I currently toss loads of clutter (that will be gone soon, I swear!), or it'll be given away to someone else. I'll evaluate after a few months whether I'm using it or not. Lots of other items are at risk of leaving.

Resolution #3. It's embarrassing to even write this one, but get into the studio. Seriously. I love the creative outlet. I'd like to at least make Helen a tiny tea set for her birthday. One of the last things I made was a tiny vase that is perfect for dandelions, clover, and other little flowers the kids are always bringing me. I could use a few more.


Disclosure: As a member of the From Left to Write book club, I received a copy of "Take the Cake: A Working Mom's Guide to Grabbing a Slice of the Life You'll Love". I read the book in 30 minutes as I walked on the treadmill. If you want the book, drop me a note and I'll give it to you. Otherwise, I'll donate it to the library's annual book sale.


  1. I'm impressed that you've set such great goals for yourself. (You're kind of making me rethink my goal of ignoring my to-do list!) I'm thinking I'm going to need to look into the decluttering book. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. My resolution is not to write a list! and so far I have been very good at doing it.
    Yours looks very good however and I agree about drinking more champagne and being thankful for the good health of our children
    I'll drink to that!

  3. Elaine...

    Love the champagne resolution. I might have to steal that one...

    But seriously, I hope the declutter works for you. It has certainly made a huge difference in my life, although if you saw my laptop desktop at the moment...I guess I better work on that.

  4. I'm with you on eating more cupcakes!

    I'm vowing to spend more time creating/crafting myself. With kids it can seem so difficult.
