Monday, February 28, 2011

It might seem like a non sequitur from Helen

The indoor pool we go to is approximately four blocks from our home. Never one to let an opportunity with a captive audience go unnoticed, Helen will often start speaking the moment the last car door is closed and she will not stop until the moment we arrive at the pool. Here's a rough summary of tonight's conversation, or rather, soliloquy from Helen.

Daddy, you won't even believe this. I can zip my own coat. By myself. Do you want to see me? Because I can show you. I can do it all by myself. You don't even have to help me. I really, truly know how to do it. I just start at the bottom and zip! It's done. After we go swimming tonight, do you want me to show you how I can zip my own coat?

Me: "yes"

Because I can zip my coat. All by myself. Really, I can show you.

Me: "yes, Helen, we want to see" (I don't actually know why I speak. I have a dream that it will make her be quiet for a few moments, pondering my answer, but this never works.)

After we're done swimming, I'll zip my coat. I know how.

Because I'm going to be a mom soon.

And mom's need to know how to zip coats.

Me: "Yes, Helen, we sure do".


  1. I believe our mother has a look of satisfaction on her face right now. "I hope you have a child just like yourself one day." comes to mind.

  2. I have a big smile on my face. I hope I'm still alive when Helen joins a debate team!!!

  3. Ya'll must think I'm crazy. I'm never letting this girl near a debate squad!

  4. Yup, zipping coats is a key requirement in the job description.
