Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heavy Hitting Week at Chez Connor and Helen

This week, we've had discussions on gay marriage, being vegetarian, and the appropriateness of climbing onto the roof of the neighbor's shed.

In summary - Yes, Yes, and Absolutely not until you are at least TEN - maybe older!

What did you discuss with your 3 and 5 years olds this week?

1 comment:

  1. Well, in this household, the 5-yo is (most likely) working on the "ch" sound in speech therapy, so every hour or so there is mention of "cheese balls; cheese meatballs; chipmunks; chocolate"--to which he adds, I want some chocolate (and which the 2-yo echoes). (He can't say the "ch" in all these words consistently. btw.)

    The 2-yo talks almost constantly about going to the zoo or the aquarium. To which I prompt, "When are we going to the zoo?" And she's been through this exchange often enough to say "When the wedder is wum."
