Thursday, February 3, 2011

If You Can't Impress Your Kids, Who Can You Impress?

A year ago, I vowed to not walk out of the house in sweatpants again, except when I was gardening or going to an exercise class. I kept that vow, to the point that one day when I did have sweat pants on, Helen asked me why I was wearing my "sleeping clothes". I patted myself on the back for no longer being the sweat pants wearing mom that I had let myself become.

Unfortunately, I only elevated myself to the jeans wearing mom, which is really not stylish enough for my children.

Rather than complaining about my attire, it is clear they are trying positive reinforcement with me instead. Two mornings ago, I was wearing a long red skirt. Helen instantly cooed "mommy, your skirt is BEAUTIFUL!" and Connor chimed in "yeah, Mom, it's really pretty".

This morning, I was wearing a piece of jewelry and both of them lovingly complimented me on my good taste.

I'm not sure if they're strategy will work or not, but I'm considering implementing a rule that I wear something besides jeans at least one day per week.

And it won't be sweatpants.



  1. I'm actually contemplating a mandatory sweatpants policy in hopes that I will be encouraged to exercise.

  2. My boss frowns on jeans worn at work. Maybe someday you'll have a job as important as mine.

    PS When did Helen get all that hair?
