Today, my parents celebrate 40 years together. FORTY. And this time, I'm not kidding about it. My sister called mid-day to point out that we were both jerks because we hadn't remember the anniversary and I was thinking to myself (but didn't say it out loud because I didn't want her to feel bad), what are you talking about? Me forgetting our parents' anniversary? Don't you remember, I wished them a happy 40th anniversary
a year ago. (FYI, Thrift Store Mama - your parents have an anniversary coming up on May 4th.) Plus, of course, when Connor called earlier in the day to thank my mom for the Easter goodness (he was particularly impressed with the Bunny Express train) Helen got on and pushed a bunch of buttons, and hung up, and said a few words that might have sounded like "mama" and "choc" [chocolate] and something else but what she said was "Happy Anniverary, Grandma!". Maybe my mom didn't hear it because Helen had already hung up on her. I don't know. Like I said, I didn't want my sister to feel bad.
My gift?

seriously, thanks for the reminder. I knew something was coming up.