Sorry about the dearth of posts lately. I've been battling some cold / flu-like gunk and have been going to sleep early. But, that's enough about me.
Connor has mastered the art of sitting unassisted and rarely topples over (though having a pillow behind him is still a wise move). A couple of times, he's sort of toppled to his hands and looked around as if he might have discovered something good. I noticed our nanny holding him in a crawling position the other day, so maybe in a couple of months he'll be inspired. His pappy will probably be teaching him great stuff like this next week when we head to the ski slopes and he takes over as the daytime nanny.

Connor has also been a bit under the weather lately, getting his first official cold. I think he picked it up at the doctor's office the other day, which I guess is just a bonus since we had to wait so frickin' long. The appointment was delayed enough that we overlapped with the visiting hours for sick kids. Note disgruntled edge in my typing here. I hear all pediatrician's offices are like this, so it's probably not worth trying to find a new one. However, I did make the next appointment for early in the day hoping that would help some.
Connor no longer eats squash when I feed it to him, but apparently eats it for his nanny - unless the empty bowl is a product of the other baby he shares the nanny with gobbling his food down. I figure at some point he'll decide he likes squash with me too. I think he just tries to impress the nanny with his great eating skills but knows there no need to try and impress me because I don't think it's possible for any kid to be better than Connor - unless it was a Connor that slept, but I suspect you're tired of hearing about that.
Connor has also mastered the came of "peek" with Ed. It used to be that Ed could pop up somewhere behind us, and Connor would look around for quite a while trying to figure out where Ed went. Now, Connor anticipates where Ed will be and quickly turns his head around looking for Ed. Ed declared last night that he was going to get some new moves. Guess we'll see what happens.
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