Sunday, March 4, 2012

Making the World a Little Bit Better - Connorstyle

I dream about the day my children discover how they're going to make their mark on the world. I'm hopeful that they'll leave this Earth better than they found it. I'm not necessarily expecting huge things, but a small gesture here and there would make me feel like this work of raising children was worth it.

In this week's Friday Folder was this gem from Connor.

"I have a dream. My dream is: [for] Glebe to be a better place."
"I can help my dream come true by: eating lunch fast so I can tauc (talk) a lot"
His teacher called it one for the "saved papers folder". I called it "one for the blog".



  1. I love your Connor. He's a good one. I also think we should get him and Quinn together to see who can outtalk the other.

    1. I think we should get them together as well - with you as the supervisor! And then we could throw Helen in the mix and really get a good cacophony going.

  2. The globe (and Glebe Road, whatever) *is* a better place when Connor talks.

    Are they not allowed to talk during lunch? Maybe the kids talk so much they don't eat?

    1. They can talk as much as they want. Connor just knows he can talk unhindered by the need to chew once he's finished eating.

  3. I am gld that your dream came true Elaine.
    that's too cute, love it.
