Tuesday, July 26, 2011


This morning on our ride to camp, Helen announced her intention to marry Connor. Connor responded by letting her know it wasn't legal, with the helpful tidbit that it was also not legal to marry your cousins. I thought it was rather diplomatic of him, because he could've said something like "I don't want to marry you because..." True to form, Helen responded by saying "Connor, it is too, legal! And I am going to marry you." Connor then remarked "it is not legal, and I'm not discussing it with you any further. Take it up with Mom." She started arguing with me about it, and I punted to Ed. I believe he's the person that first informed Connor that marrying siblings and first cousins was illegal. Why, I do not know, unless he was trying to torture me with a conversation like this some morning when I least expected it.



  1. never met those two but I love them.

  2. Wow, your kids are precocious, all right. I distinctly remember being 6 and still thinking I'd have to grow up to marry my brother.

  3. if you're interested in mentioning my blog on yours, do not hesitate to contact me: mf-f1997ponfe@hotmail.com
