Saturday, July 16, 2011

Diving - Take 2

Growing up, my mom had a theory. She thought nobody should be given an "A" in any class for the first grading period. What would the student have to work for, if they already had the highest grade? As her daughter, I thought this was a terrible idea. However, now that I'm a mom, I'm beginning to see her point.

Thursday night, Connor had his second dive meet. He completed the same dives as last week (front dive with a hurdle and a tuck, jumping back dive, and front flip), but the judging was a bit pickier. It was still a hoot to watch. Last week's money dive - the back dive with a jump - did not yield such extravagant results as it did before, but he did complete the dive. And once again, because most kids in his age group choose to complete a pencil jump (degree of difficulty 0.5) and Connor complete the flip (degree of difficulty = 1.4) for the third dive, he ended up winning. Again.

And again, he was completely pleased with himself, and his coach rocked it (even giving Connor a huge bear hug in between dives to help keep Connor warm).

But Connor knew his back dive was not as good this week as last week. And now I'm wondering - will he want to work hard to do the back dive better? Or has he decided that he is the King of 5-6 year old boy divers (of which there are not many), and he doesn't need to work to be on top? In many ways, it doesn't really matter. It's just diving. But I'm starting to see my mom's point - at least a little. Of course, maybe Connor will decide to try and become King of the 7 year olds - which will actually be a pretty difficult feat. At least half of those kids can complete a third dive!

Ed's comment? The video above is going to make for some good human interest footage in the Olympics someday. If he gets there.


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