Dear Connor,
As you might suspect, you did indeed turn 38 months old this past month. And both your dad and I were completely delighted to be your parents. But not only did your sister take center stage by reaching her one year on earth mark, we decided to buy a new house, and this has consumed enormous amounts of energy - from all of us. Your grandparents, who might have been expecting to just play with you and Helen all week spent about 200 hours each helping us get our house ready to sell. Why, you and Grandpa spent an entire afternoon moving mulch together! Not to mention all the mulch Daddy, you, and Grandpa moved the day before. Thankfully, you had much practice moving mulch because the week before the mulch arrived on our driveway, mulch arrived at your school. At Waldorf schools, it is completetly typical for the children to take part in making their school beautiful and you and the others happily filled wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow full of mulch to distribute on your playground.
The other reason this report is so late is that I stayed home with you and Helen the week preceeding your anniversay, and I do not know how stay-at-home moms find the time to blog. Seriously. I was so tired by the end of the day that I could not even contemplate opening my computer for much more than preparing for a couple of meetings at work that could not be moved to a time when I was actually working.
Most of this month was spent enjoying the fading of summer into Fall. That included visiting "our farm" and picking out a big pumpkin to take home with us. We would've picked some veggies as well, but you were too enamored with a giant wooden truck that sits in the willow forest there. It has a gear you can move and the way you exit it is via a slide. There are also two relatively new playhouses there that are frankly nicer than most single family homes. You played with Helen and every other child that came near them for quite some time. We fed corn to the farm animals, played in the giant corn bin, and conquered a number of giant slides there. It was, as you might guess, exhausting.
Even though it was not your birthday, your grandma made you a giant sock monkey that has accompanied you to bed every evening since you opened it. Not only did you enjoy this present, you enjoyed opening almost every other present Helen received. It's not that she couldn't, it's just that she wasn't terribly interested and you were - and enthusiasm goes a long way.
You seem to be taking the transition from our first au pair to our new au pair quite well, and you also seem very excited about the new house. We've been to a lot of open houses in the past year or two together, and moving doesn't seem to phase you at all - especially now that you have cleared up you get to take your toys with you. You are somewhat amazed that we get to take things like beds with us, but even more amazed that the beds (and dogs) that are in our new home do not stay. What can I say, Connor? It's a crazy world.
Perhaps next month the report will be on time. I have, after all, committed to writing
There are playhouses at the farm? Boy have I had my head in the clouds. Hopefully I'll find them when we go on our next and last visit of the season. Happy 38th month Connor! Wishing an exciting and happy month ahead.