Yesterday, I told Ed in front of both Helen and Connor that I needed my children to sleep at night. And, apparently they were listening in on our conversation. Helen went to sleep around 10:00 and slept until 3:00 - and she might have slept longer except she stirred a bit and I decided to go ahead and feed her. Miraculously, she went back to sleep immediately after finishing her meal and slept until just past 7:00. Connor, bless his heart, stayed in his room the entire night, and didn't come bounding into my room until after 6:00. I was feeling so good that after he had his morning bottle, I went downstairs and played with him which meant Ed got to sleep until Helen woke him up. Normally, Ed is the designated waker with Connor because I have spent at least an hour with Helen in the middle of the night trying to coax her back into sleep and I am too tired to entertain the thought of getting out of bed when Connor is ready. Let's just say, we are all feeling good. Right now, Helen and Connor are napping and Ed is running an errand. Usually, either Ed or I need to take advantage of naptime by napping ourselves - sometimes both of us!
With all that sleep, it seemed only natural that we would tackle the landscaping project again today. This time, Helen and I helped out. I figure my German ancestors are quite proud that I had Helen napping out in the cool weather this morning. I can almost hear my mom telling me how good the fresh air was for her.
After toting a few loads of mulch in his new wheelbarrow, Connor decided he'd rather serve as project foreman.
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