Thursday, December 19, 2013

Current Events Fail - Even the Play-Doh Makers are More Informed Than Me

It seems A LOT of stuff happens in this world without me having any knowledge. As I've said before in this space, I'm OK with that - though it can be embarrassing when someone mentions a recent event and I stare blankly, quickly trying to figure out what they are talking about. Sometimes, I get lucky, and discover they're talking about a TV show - and then I can just give my standard line about saving TV for when I'm older. But other times? I'm not so lucky.

As a little test of my knowledge of what happened in 2013, I checked out the PLAY-DOH recreations of last year's events -  "A year in PLAY-DOH Moments".

The results?

Not good, people. But there's one that Helen and I both nailed.

I already miss our trip to London last summer. But for the record - if Will and Kate ever need a babysitter - Helen and I are available! We don't mind the inconvenience of traveling at all.


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