Wednesday, May 23, 2007


When I was in college, I used to think I wanted to be a politician - but those thoughts have long since faded, though Ed does vote for me whenever he has a chance to vote for Sheriff! (Thank you for your support.) One reason why I would not make a good politician is because I am horrible at remembering names. I used to blame it on the booze, but these past 2.5 years, I can't say there's been much of that - between being pregnant, nursing, and then pregnant again.

But Connor may just have a chance. On Sunday, we met some friends at a new playground. After swinging for longer than I have ever seen Connor swing, he decided to explore the play structure. As is often the case, Connor was reporting the events, as they happened. And I was amazed to see that even after only hearing the other kid's names a couple of times (once, in some cases) he was able to stand at the top of the structure and say "Elizabeth coming up, Eamon coming up, Zoe coming up, Scott coming up, Teo coming up..." identifying each child and sometimes their parent as they either began to ascend the stairs or stood close enough that Connor thought they might be coming up. Sometimes, I think he sucked my memory right out of me while I was breastfeeding him, a theory first introduced to me when I saw Sarah McLachlan in concert. Apparently it was put to good use, at least, so while I am left with a sieve for a memory, Connor's is quite fine tuned.

The other reason Connor could make a good politician is because, like my dad, he clearly knows how to fit in with "Joe Everyman", as seen below.


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