Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thank You, Santa

I'm not certain that Connor believes in Santa. A few weeks ago, he was sitting at the table with Helen chatting about Santa, relating all the glory that the fat man is. Abruptly, he paused, looked up at Helen and said "wait a minute, that doesn't make any sense, maybe Mom and Dad just give us our presents". Then, he went back to whatever he was doing before he started telling the story, and the subject never came up again.

On Christmas Eve, Ed and I realized that we had failed to have Grandma Lynn hold back one of the many presents she had purchased for Connor to give as a Santa gift. We were screwed. Except Toys-R-Us was waiting for us and had Ed by the proverbial balls since I sent him off to join the other parents that were scrambling to find gifts for their kids.

Ed did the only thing he could in such a situation - he bought the one gift for Connor that Connor desperately wanted but that we hadn't even asked the grandparents on either side for because it was too frivolous. He bought the Lego cargo train. For Helen, he purchased some more supplies for her illegal daycare, as she had requested a "baby nursery" from Santa - whatever the heck that is. (In case your child ever asks for this, Helen seemed pleased with some baby bunk beds, a baby bathtub, and some plastic feeding supplies). Dagger through my Waldorf heart those gifts were.

On Christmas morning, Connor was both thrilled and surprised. He explained to me that he didn't think he was getting the Lego train because none of the boxes that he helped carry last night were the right size. (Evidence of knowing that Grandma's presents are the same as Santa's presents, perhaps?)

Connor was so thrilled that he later told me he was definitely going to write Santa a thank you note. He planned to thank Santa "at least six times". He composed the following letter, which he gave to Santa a couple of days after Christmas when we rode the Polar Express Train and got a visit from Santa.

"Dear Santa - Thank you for the electric train. I was dying for the electric train. Now I can make a big enormous city. Love, Connor"
This is the kind of stuff that melts my heart.



  1. What gorgeous handwriting he has.

  2. I was going to make the same comment as Jodi! Considering he didn't write at the beginning of the year, his handwriting is miles better than my 11yo's. (His spelling is better, too.)

  3. Thank you both! It's been a struggle. And, his typical handwriting is not that neat. It's only when he really wants to get his message across that he does it. I do have to remind him "give some space" or he writes one giant word that is difficult to decipher. I'll take it, though.
