Connor has always been, shall we say, GIFTED. He’s been able to bang the ivories (or brightly colored plastics, as the case may be) with the best of them. Perhaps it’s because his Aunt Linda teaches piano and has been thinking positive thoughts about his piano skills from before he was born. This morning, I went to get my hair cut (sadly – this is only the second time I have attempted this feat since Connor’s birth!) so Ed and Connor were hanging out together. Naturally, the sunglasses came out and then Connor was banging the keys! We think Connor may have been preparing for his date with Zoe. We pretty much had to invite her over for dinner to prove that Connor can eat more than dirt and potato chips – the food du jour when we met her at the Sculpture Garden one evening for a jazz concert. (For the record, Connor ate prunes with apples, salmon, tomatoes, and corn for dinner – a fairly respectable spread.) As it turns out, the Incrediblock and Leapfrog table were sufficient entertainment for the evening, so Connor didn’t have to turn to making his own music. He did not let the opportunity to teach Zoe bad skills pass by. He stuck the hose in his mouth and splashed about in a pan of water, which warranted a change of clothes. All the while, she smiled. (She is possibly the happiest baby I know.)
I don’t want to scare Zoe’s mom, but Connor’s horoscope did say “Tonight is deliciously romantic – if the new love of your life is also an old flame, so much the better.”

Although Connor definitely has an affinity for water, it’s not clear to me that Connor is quite ready to try his hand at scuba diving, but he is fond of Chinese food – or at least the chopsticks that I keep moving from the shelf of the closet he can reach to a higher shelf – and yet he always seems to find another pair. These are but one of the many gifts from China we can thank our friend Kellee for.

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