Thursday, August 13, 2015

And they're off!

Last Thursday, the kids hopped on a plane bound for Kansas and never looked back. They've been too busy. So far, I've seen photos of Connor catching an 18 inch catfish, heard about guns, arrows, canoes, smoothies, dog walking, and more. They've been to camp, an amusement park, LegoLand, and more. It's been a great vacation for Connor and Helen, and I'm excited to hear more about it.

Ed and I have been mixing up going out without thinking about the time, home projects, working a little extra at the office, and this weekend we'll go on a brief getaway. I miss Connor and Helen, but I'm so confident they're in a great place, that I'm able to just enjoy time without them, as well.

Connor and Helen were absolute troopers at the airport.

While we waited in the "special services" line, we were goofing around a bit. If we had known what was coming, we would've spent our time worrying, instead.

When it was our turn, something in the system went awry. Despite having about an hour to get these two unaccompanied minors checked in, when it was all said and done, the ticket agent literally led us on a run through the airport, through security, and right onto the plane. I have to hand it to him - the problem was entirely of his making, but damn if he didn't sky up and solve it. I imagined that we were famous people being escorted through lines, stepping in front of everyone with all of the agents just nodding and saying "absolutely, go right on through" while the regular public stood in line waiting.

My only instruction to the children was to "tail that guy and DO NOT let him out of your sight no matter what". This almost resulted in a collision with an innocent person casually walking through the airport, but we all survived.

And there was no time to get nervous at the gate - because they walked right on the plane!

Connor reported that he played iPad the whole time, Helen cut up the time by knitting a bit on this summer's scarf. They were both proud of their solo travel.

As soon as they walked onto the plane, I snapped this photo:



1 comment:

  1. What a gift, what a tremendous GIFT you have given to your children and your Kansas family - the opportunity to develop a relationship independent of you.
