Friday, June 18, 2010

Easy Come, Easy Go

My mom has been faithfully printing out and saving everything I've ever written on this blog and the blog's predecessor. She compiles these blog entries into scrapbooks that I have thumbed through more than once. When I take them out, Connor and Helen get a real hoot out of the photos. When my mom gave me the first installment, I admit, I was thinking "What are you doing this for? Do you think the Internet is going to disappear?". Well, um, here I am, eating crow.

No, the Internet is not disappearing, but my freelance writing gig over at SVMoms is. A few days ago, all of the writers in the group received an email indicating the sites were folding as of July 1. This includes DCMetromoms, the site for which I have posted just seven times, but in those seven posts, I have enjoyed thinking about parenting issues and issues about living in DC that were not specific to Connor and Helen. I was bummed by the news, because I felt like I was just hitting my stride.

At first, it was unclear whether the site would remain on the Internet or not, and writers were encouraged to move posts to their personal blogs. Now, it appears as if the site will remain up, but no comments will be allowed, nor will any new posts go up. I have just finished copying the posts over to this site. I have entered them in the days I posted them over at DCMetromoms. I have labeled them "DCMetromoms" and all of the titles begin with DCMM:. It's not an elegant solution, but I didn't want the posts to be subject to randomly disappearing some day.

Lucky for me, some of the fine women who have been writing over at DCMetromoms a lot longer than I have been are planning to launch something new. So...maybe my freelance writing career will be saved. I hope so. I was having fun.


  1. All this wonderfu writing might some day be in every new mom's book shelf ... That would be a great project, wish you luck

  2. So sad, huh? Reading back through all my old posts took me way back though. It was kind of cool to read them.

    I'm really looking forward to the new DC venture!
