One item made it into the potential consignment sale bin at my house, after being ignored for about a year. Helen noticed it as we were heading out to Colorado, and she asked if she could take it with us. I figured my dad would love to see the toy getting its second wind since he had given it to Connor on the ski trip when Connor was two. I had no idea what sort of second wind this toy would get.
After we arrived at the airport, Helen refused to be carried, because she needed to walk her dog. We were dropped off at the Continental gate, only to learn that even though we had purchased our tickets on Continental, received frequent flier miles on Continental for the flight, and got reminder emails from Continental - we were actually flying United. Continental is at one end of Dulles, United is at the other. Helen walked the E N T I R E length of the airport, with her little dog yapping all the way.
But Helen didn't stop there. She also proceeded to walk the dog through security, to the bathroom, to the train that takes passengers to the place where the plane waits, down the aisle of the airplane, until finally they both rested in Helen's seat. The same scene was repeated in the Denver airport. I think Helen walked two miles that day. At a V E R Y S L O W pace.
On the upside, she made an awful lot of people smile.
It is unfortunate that I do not have a picture of the actual ridiculous event, because it would be one to savor. But have you ever tried traveling with two kids under 5, ski equipment, a box of donuts (our standard early morning travel breakfast), and all the crap two children under 5 can gather in the few minutes they have between waking up and piling in a car? Upsetting the balance of all this AND grabbing a camera was not possible - not even close.
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