It was supposed to be sunny outside. The twelve children I invited (8 of whom were able to attend) were supposed to join Connor in merriment outside on my deck and in my backyard. But, thanks to completely freaky weather (it SNOWED the day before the party), all plans had to be moved inside. This meant two things.
#1. Connor and his friends had a hostile takeover of the basement. The pool table that once thrived in Grateful Ed’s but has most recently been used as a place to store clutter gathered in other parts of the house was taken apart and will be taken away in the next few days – because even I am not insane enough to dye Easter eggs on the main floor of my house. And nearly every person in attendance remarked how the egg dyeing wasn’t nearly as messy as they thought it would be! Most importantly, Ed did not divorce me.
#2. After the egg dyeing, all of the children were released – at once – to roam around the upstairs uncovering over 100 hidden eggs. Wow! Talk about chaos. But it was fun! Afterwards, Ed and I told Connor his friends were messier than a bunch of drunks, which frankly Ed and I have a lot more experience dealing with.
I didn’t get any photos of the actual event. I was too busy making sure the house didn’t fall down. But this morning, after Ed had mercifully taken morning duty (this makes FOUR weekend days in a row!), Connor and I played egg hunt for another hour – and he would’ve played longer if I didn’t need to get in the shower because we were having a play date.
Next year, I’m considering switching out the egg dyeing event with a cookie decorating event, but only if it’s outside.
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